If we aren’t listening to an audiobook in the car, chances are we are listening to a podcast. They are great for long or short road trips when you want your kids off of their devices and not fighting. I’m always on the lookout for educational podcasts that are disguised as fun listening for the kids. That doesn’t mean we shy away from podcasts that are more story based. Anything to boost their knowledge and imaginations is perfect in my book. The best part? They are FREE! Where can you find them? iPhone has a pre-installed podcast app, Android users can download the “Google podcasts” app, if you want to listen on your computer just google “listen to [enter podcast name]”, or ask Alexa to play a podcast and like magic, she does. You can change your Alexa settings to play podcasts though Apple Podcasts or Spotify – just don’t ask me how to do this…Google is your friend here. On to the fun part: here are some of our all time favorite podcasts (you can click on the titles to listen). And drop a comment to let me know if your kids like the podcasts listed or if you have any other recommendations. We are always looking for new podcasts to love!

Guy Raz and Mindy Thomas take kids on a zany journey to learn about their minds, science, astronomy, math, and so much more. With episodes like “The Buzz on Bee-Barf: Sticky Science Behind Bumblebee Vomit” “How to Talk to a Dog”, and “Now Watch me Drip Drip: The Science of Slower Melting Ice Cream” kids will see the silliness in the world while learning the science behind how things works. And while the hosts have silly characters – Guy loves kale and Mindy lives in a gingerbread house which she often eats – they don’t dumb down the science so parents will love listening and just might learn a thing or two.

Brains On! is a science podcast that explores everything from why we fart and the history of boogers (my kids loved those episodes) to the origins of languages. The episodes are hosted by “kid scientists” which helps to keep my kids engaged. The topics are interesting enough to keep parents listening too. The most recent Brains On! episode was about Coronavirus, so give it a listen if your kids are asking questions that you might not know all the answers too.

From the makers of Brains On!, Smash Boom Best is a debate show. Each episode pits two related but different things against each other – Cats vs. Dogs, Chocolate vs. Cheese, Books vs. Movies – and declares a winner. The debaters have to compete in different categories and the “judge”, usually a child invited on to the show, awards points and declares a winner. While the debaters have to compete in some silly categories, like creating a cheer about their topic, the show doesn’t skimp on teaching listeners about the subject matter. This one is highly recommended by my kids. I think they would both say this is their favorite podcast.

Another podcast from the creators of Brains On!, Forever Ago takes one thing and tells you its origin and history. Season One included the history of the sandwich, video games, and skateboards. The show invites kid listeners on to participate in the show. Forever Ago currently only has one season of eight episodes but we are definitely looking forward to more. When I asked Ben what podcasts to write about Forever Ago was high on his list.

Stuff You Missed in History Class
Stuff You Missed in History Class is a bi-weekly podcast where you learn about things you did not know you did not know. The hosts delve into topics like why we imported hippos from Africa in 1910, how insulin was discovered, and the sit-in at the segregated lunch counter at the F.W. Woolworth’s in Greensboro, North Carolina. This podcast goes back to 2008 and explores such diverse topics that there is certainly something for everyone. If my kids have questions about something or we are visiting a museum, historical site, or city, I always check in to see if there is a related episode of this podcast that can add something to their experience.

The Unexplainable Disappearance of Mars Patel
The Unexplainable Disappearance of Mars Patel is a scripted podcast for middle grade kids, performed by middle grade kids. It is a fun, high-quality, serial mystery that can be described as Goonies meets Spy Kids meets Stranger Things for 8-12 year olds. Mars Patel and his friends set out on an adventure to find two of their missing friends. Along the way they get mixed up with the mysterious tech billionaire, Oliver Pruitt. There are three seasons of this podcast.

But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids
How many times have your kids asked “But Why?” Now there is a podcast that can answer their questions. But Why is a show led by kids. Have your kids send in their questions and But Why just might do a show answering them. Buy Why tackles everything from nature, to words, and even the end of the world. Their last episode was about coronavirus so tune in and get some answers to some of your kid’s questions.

Story Pirates is a cast of actors, comedians, musicians, and improvisors who take stories submitted by kids and turn them into a podcast for kids. The stories are sometimes realistic and sometimes they are about flying purple donuts. But it’s always fun and it’s always entertaining. In addition to the podcast, Story Pirates publish books and releases albums. But their core mission is their school program. Story Pirates travel to schools and teach kids about the building blocks of a story. This is a podcast we enjoy for its silliness and creativity, but also for its dedication to the mission of creating writers.

An ethics podcast for kids? Absolutely! Tune into Short & Curly where they discus questions like “Do you have to love your sibling?” “Are some lies actually okay?” “Is it ever okay to fight back against a bully?” We love this one and it sparks some pretty interesting conversations.

Stuff You Should Know is a podcast about well….the title tells it all. This well researched program covers topics like science, history, urban legends, and pop culture, and also covers the occasional conspiracy theory. Its a thrice-weekly podcast that has been on since 2008 so there is tons of content. Like, Stuff you Missed in History Class, this is another podcast that I check out if my kids have a questions about something or if we are visiting a historical site or museum.

Radiolab takes scientific and philosophical subjects and winds them into human interest stories complete with a stylized soundtrack. The podcasts are as much about the subject matters and they are about the music and the sounds incorporated into the episodes. I started listening to this back in 2002 when it was a 3-hour weekly show on WNYC in NYC. It has evolved since then, but I still love it and so do my kids.
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