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Magic Misfits by Neil Patrick Harris

I love when people ask me for book recommendations. So when my aunt texted me to ask if I thought Magic Misfits by Neil Patrick Harris would be a good for her grandson, I immediately took some pictures so I could write about this book that my son loved.

Award-winning actor, director, and producer, Neil Patrick Harris, is making a name for himself as a writer with this debut middle-grade book.

Magician, Carter, would like nothing better than to find a home. After his magician parents disappear he ends up living on the lam with his uncle who uses his magical powers to cheat his audience out of their valuables. Carter, who has a strong moral compass , won’t help his uncle in his scandalous endeavors and ends up running away to a New England town. In Mineral Wells, he meets Leila, Theo, Ridley, Olly, and Izzy all of whom have a special magical talent. The group bands together when they try to outsmart the corrupt carnival boss B.B. Bosso who is trying to steal the largest diamond in the world.

This book is about friendship, finding family, and doing the right thing. It’s fun and fast paced and kids who like magic will love the tricks that are peppered throughout the book.

Magical Misfits is the first in a series of three books. All of which you can get by clicking on book covers below (affiliate links).

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